Scottish Borders Employability Mapping and Gapping

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. We are hoping to gather information from all organisations in the Scottish Borders who are providing employability and employability related services. The below graphic shows the "employability pipeline", many of you will be providing relevant services to this pipeline but not under the banner of employability, these services are vital to the Scottish Borders employability landscape.
Employability Pipeline
The survey consists of 5 sections and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We plan on compiling the results to make a comprehensive directory of employability services in the Scottish Borders highlighting locality, demographics, work being done and more. It is hoped this directory will shine a light on available services, improve partnership working across the Borders and improve the experience of people accessing support. Please complete the survey with as much information as possible.  
Section 1 - Organisation Details
This section of the survey will be used to gather information about your organisation, it will be used to represent your organisation on our employability directory. 

Section 2 - Employability Projects

In this section we are looking to gather all relevant information on any employability projects you are running. If you are running multiple employability projects please give information on them all. This information will be used on the directory and enable us to identify gaps in services across the different localities in the Borders. 

Employability Pipeline

Section 3 - Project Impact

In this section we are looking to measure the impact of your employability service. We hope this information will help to improve partnership working, make people's transitions between services smoother and help to strengthen service provision. 

Section 4 - Additional Information

In this section we are looking to gather additional information that will enable us to better understand current funding arrangements.  

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

We will let you know when the directory is live and we hope you will attend your local employability network event.

If you would like to discuss anything on this survey you can contact Ryan Martin via email or phone below:
Email: Mob: 07483005869
Data Protection notice

By completing this form you agree to allow Borders Community Action to retain your organisational data and use this information to build the basis of an employability directory. 

We will not be sharing any personal or sensitive information, please let us know if you have any concerns about how your data will be used.

 You can access our Data Protection Policy at

sbcrobertson trust